Summer Bridge Scholarship Info


The Summer BRIDGE Program was established to assist participants with their transition from high school to college.

Following high school graduation, UB participants can earn up to 6 hours of college credit and at no cost to themselves or their families. The program is held during the summer session at Monroe County Community College. There is also no obligation or commitment to stay at MCCC after the conclusion of the Bridge Program. 

Academic success is the focus of the Bridge Program, as students are provided with resources such as tutoring and academic advising.

The Summer Bridge Program Provides the following:

  • Tuition at MCCC up to six credit hours of approved courses (college math & English).
  • Books and supplies not to exceed $100.00.
  • Tutoring and monitoring by Upward Bound staff.

All applicants must:

Instructions are on the application. Please make sure to follow all directions when completing the application.

The submission deadline for 2024 is April 1, 2024.

There will be no extensions granted under any circumstance. Please contact any Upward Bound staff member if you have questions, comments and/or concerns.