
Alumni Association Bylaws 

Article I – Name

The name of this organization is the Monroe County Community College Alumni Association.

Article II – Status

The Monroe County Community College Alumni Association is an internal organization governed under the Policies and Procedures of Monroe County Community College.

Article III – Location     

The business of the Association shall be conducted usually and chiefly in the county of Monroe, Michigan, and its office shall be located on the campus of Monroe County Community College, 1555 South Raisinville Road, Monroe, Michigan.

Article IV – Purpose

The Alumni Association is organized to work collaboratively with the Board of Trustees, The Foundation at Monroe County Community College, staff, students, and the community in providing support to the mission and educational objectives of Monroe County Community College.

Article V – Objectives

The objectives of this organization are as follows:

  • Promote the interest of Monroe County Community College, its alumni, and the community.
  • Organize social events for alumni, students, faculty and staff, and community members, with the purpose of renewing acquaintances and establishing new friendships among the alumni and MCCC community.
  • Aid in the financial endeavors of Monroe County Community College and The Foundation at Monroe County Community College.
  • Advise the College on matters of educational significance, and/or social or cultural events of interest to alumni.
  • To keep alumni in contact with the growth and academic development of the College.
  • Help the College identify those alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their profession, community, science, the arts, or other areas of human endeavor.
  • Foster the promotion of membership and participation in the Monroe County Community College Alumni Association and its events.
  • Provide for the acquisition and distribution of scholarship funds to Monroe County Community College students.

Article VI – Membership and Dues

Membership consists of current dues paying members of the Alumni Association.  Those 
eligible for membership are past and present students or MCCC full-time employees and Board of Trustee members who have met the membership requirements as outlined in Article VI, Section 1, A –  C.

Section 1     Membership Status

A.  Annual Membership                
Annual membership includes those individuals who are graduates or have earned 24 credits or more, Lifelong Learning certificate holders whose certificates required 36 hours or more, MCCC full-time employees, emeritus faculty, and MCCC Board of Trustees members. Annual members who have paid the required dues shall receive full membership benefits as set by the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

B.  Lifetime Membership
Lifetime membership includes those individuals who qualify for an annual membership and joined the Alumni Association under this heading during the initial membership campaign or during other lifetime membership campaigns declared by resolution of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.  Lifetime membership may be bestowed upon individuals at the discretion of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

C. Lifetime Friend Membership
Lifetime friend membership includes those individuals who have earned between 0-23 credit hours and do not qualify for an annual membership or lifetime membership. Lifetime friend members who have paid the required dues shall receive full membership benefits as set by the Alumni Association Board of Directors; however Lifetime friend members are not eligible to sit on the Alumni Association Board of Directors. A lifetime friend membership can be transferred to a lifetime membership once the individual completes the lifetime membership requirements.

Section 2     Dues                                

        Dues in the Association shall be set by resolution of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Article VII – Officers and Board of Directors

The business and activities of the Alumni Association shall be directed by the Alumni Association Board of Directors which consists of fourteen (14) members.  The President of Monroe County Community College, the Executive Director of the Foundation, MCCC Staff and or a designee appointed by the Executive Director, and the President of Student Government or their designee will serve as ex-officio members.

Section 1     Eligibility

All current annual and/or lifetime members of the Alumni Association are eligible for appointment to the Monroe County Community College Alumni Association Board of Directors. Board members must remain in good standing throughout the entire term to remain a member of the Board of Directors. Annual Board Members whose dues have lapsed shall be immediately notified and given a five (5) day grace period to return to good standing or be automatically removed from the board. Once disqualified, lapsed members can only return to the Board through re-appointment.

Section 2     Appointment

Alumni Association Board members shall be recommended for appointment to the Board by present members, the President of Monroe County Community College, and the Executive Director of the Foundation.

Upon approval of the Alumni Association Board, new members shall be appointed to two-year staggered terms.  

Board members may serve a maximum of three consecutive two-year terms.  If a Board member is not able to fulfill his/her term, the Chair of the Board of Directors may fill the remaining term by appointment, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.  A member appointed to complete a term may then have the option of serving three two-year terms. Board members that term-out may be considered for a new appointment no sooner than six (6) months from the expiration of their fulfilled term. 

Section 3     Officers

At the January meeting of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, officers shall be elected by a majority vote from within the Board.

In the event of an officer vacancy, the position shall be filled by majority vote from within the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

The following officers shall be elected to one-year terms:  Chair and Vice Chair.  MCCC Staff will serve as Secretary/Treasurer.

A.    Chair

The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Alumni Association Board, call special meetings, appoint such committees as shall be necessary, and work with the MCCC Staff on preparation of the agenda.

B.    Vice Chair 
The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.  The Vice Chair shall serve as the Chair of the Alumni Association Special Events Committee.

Section 4       Secretary/Treasurer

MCCC Staff will serve as Secretary/Treasurer.  The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep records of membership, attendance, and minutes of all regular and special meetings; handle all correspondence; and keep financial records and report the financial status of the Alumni Association at each meeting.

Section 5      Meetings

The Alumni Association Board of Directors shall meet bi-monthly (January, March, May, July, September, and November).  Other meetings may be held as deemed necessary by the Alumni Association Board of Directors, or called by the Chair.

        A.    Notice 

The schedule of regular meetings shall be determined at the November meeting of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.  All members of the Board shall be notified at least ten (10) days in advance of the meetings.

        B.    Quorum

Forty percent (40%) of the Alumni Association Directors then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.          

C.    Attendance

Regular attendance at Monroe County Community College Alumni Association Board of Directors meetings and events is expected of all board members.  Members who are unable to attend Board meetings should contact the Alumni Association Office prior to the scheduled meeting to be considered excused.  Any Board member who is unexcused from two (2) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the Board may be asked to resign his/her position on the Board of Directors.  Each Board Member must participate in at least two (2) Alumni Association events each calendar year. An individual's membership on the Alumni Association Board of Directors will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the Board following three (3) consecutive excused and/or unexcused absences from regularly scheduled meetings of the Board and/or to lack of participation in Alumni events..

D. Electronic Voting

At the discretion of the Chair and conducted by the Coordinator of Annual Giving and Alumni Affairs, the Board may between meetings vote VIA email or by others suitable electronic means, to resolve time-sensitive matters. Standing rules regarding quorum shall be followed.

Article VIII – Finances

All revenues and expenditures of the Alumni Association will be accounted for under Monroe County Community College accounts and will be monitored and audited under College records.

Article IX – Committees

Section 1    Standing Committees

A.    Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the design and execution of all aspects of membership.

B.    Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for the organization, implementation, and periodic review of the Alumni Association Scholarship(s), subject to Board of Directors approval.

C.    Special Events Committee

The Vice Chair shall serve as Chair of the Special Events Committee.  The Special Events Committee shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of all Alumni Association events, subject to Board of Directors approval.

Section 2    Other Committees

The Alumni Association Board of Directors may, from time to time, create additional committees with such powers and duties as the Board may prescribe.

Article X – Amendment

Any amendment to these bylaws shall be approved by two-thirds of the board members present at a regular meeting of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.  Written notice of the proposed amendment shall be required at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

Article XI – Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of this Alumni Association, all records, property, and assets shall revert to Monroe County Community College.

First draft:  March 30, 1992
Revised second draft:  May 4, 1992
Approved:  May 4, 1992
Revised: January 18, 1993   (Article VII, Section 3B., and Article VII, Section 4C.)
Revised: May 15, 1995 (Article VII, Section 3)
Revised: January 15, 1996 (Article VI, Membership and Dues)
Revised: September 20, 1999 (Article VI, Section 1A, and Article VI, Section 1D.)
Revised: March 20, 2000 (Article IV, Article V, Article VI, Article VI: Section 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, Section 2, Article VII, Article VII: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 3A, Section 3B, Section 4, Section 4B, Section 4C, Article IX.)
Revised: January 18, 2010 (Article VII)
Revised: September 19, 2011 (Article VI: Section 1, Article VII: Section 2, Section 3, Section 3A, Section 4, Section 4A, and  Section 5)
Revised: January 21, 2013 (Article VI, Article IV: Section 1A and eliminated 1C.)
Revised: May 27, 2014 (Article VI: Section 1C)
Revised: March 16, 2015 (Article VII: Section 1, Section 2, Section 5D)
Revised: September 19, 2016 (Article VII: Officers and Board Directors, Section 2, Section 3, Section 3A, Section 3B, Section 4, Section 5C)