We, as employees of MCCC, see everyday the impact we have on students' lives. We have the opportunity to be a leader in driving the tremendous legacy of the college forward, with great strength and vision for the future.
There are any number of ways you can support The Foundation in its mission -- ‘enhancing the educational and cultural experience of our students and community,’ – by becoming involved in our initiatives, helping us identify unmet needs and prospective opportunities for supporting our students better, and of course, by providing financial support.
The new "HUSKY SHUTTLE" service ensures Rain is able to getting to class on time, ready to concentrate on her studies.
Donor-funded scholarships help Jackson (along with 300+ other students each year) to pursue two of his interests, welding and automotive service, to prepare for his career in heavy equipment maintenance.
Amanda Althouse and the staff in Student Services witness everyday the impact programs funded by donors to The Foundation have on students, helping them overcome issues and situations that can hamper a student's success in the classroom.
The award-winning AGORA student newspaper and its editors, writers and photographers, under the guidance of Matthew Bird-Meyer, benefit from attending the national College Media Association conference annually to network with peers and professionals in New York City because of donors to the Dan Shaw Memorial Journalism Fund.
What we do
The Foundation at MCCC touches thousands of lives each year through cultural arts programs, scholarships, and educational initiatives that guide and shape the business and civic leaders of tomorrow. We leverage voluntary support from donors to enhance the educational, literary, scientific, and cultural experience by expanding the capacity of Monroe County Community College to meet its mission.
Finances are not the only barriers our students face. We strive to ensure our students not only enroll, but complete college with a degree or certificate credential that allows them to prosper.
Project Persist related initiatives provide need-based, flexible financial support including:
- Completion Fund
- Emergency Relief Fund
- Faculty And Staff Supporting Students Together (FASST)
- Student Emergency Funds
Targeted Services help MCCC forge new collaborations to help our most vulnerable students cope with daunting personal circumstances that impair their educational achievement:
- MCCC Food Pantry
- Mental & Behavioral Health Support
Dedicated Support initiatives in addition to direct aid and support to deliver proven support methods that enhance the entire learning environment and process, such as:
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives
- Student Success Coaches
Leveraging such resources as the Maintenance and Renovation Millage passed by voters in Monroe County and other financial sources, donors to the Foundation support help amplify important projects that benefit the learning environment at MCCC, such as:
Nursing and Respiratory Therapy expansion
Criminal Justice Program expansion
Student Support Spaces
- Founders Hall
- Campbell Learning Resource Center
- Whitman Center
- Warrick Student Services and Administration Building
- Life Sciences
- Outdoor spaces
To continue to provide exception and varied cultural opportunities to the Monroe County Region and residents.
Meyer Theatre Upgrade - MCCC is proud to be the home of Monroe’s premier performing arts venue – the La-Z-Boy Center, Meyer Theater. In our beautiful facility, MCCC hosts a variety of cultural events that enrich, delight, and entertain thousands of patrons each year. The Foundation is dedicated to continuing to invest in our theater to serve patrons and continually improve the production value of shows and events in the theater.
Cultural Enrichment Endowment programming - MCCC hosts a wide variety of programming through including visiting artists, community band and theater groups, educational children’s programming, popular musical acts and comedians, and much more. Without our partners, we simply could not bring these high-caliber performances each year into our community at an affordable price for our patrons. Our focus is to expand programming to underserved populations in Monroe County.
Through a variety of initiatives and programs that recognize and support improvements and enhancements in teaching and learning at MCCC, such as:
- Strategic Innovation Fund
- Excellence and Innovation Award
- Endowed Program Funds
- In-Demand Program Development and Expansion
- Endowed Academic and Program Chairs
The Foundation at MCCC leverages voluntary support from donors to enhance the educational, literary, scientific, and cultural experience by helping Monroe County Community College meet its mission. The Foundation at MCCC touches thousands of lives each year through cultural arts programs, scholarships, and educational initiatives that guide and shape the business and civic leaders of tomorrow. Just as important, The Foundation offers a means for individuals of all ages and walks of life to express their philanthropy, act on their concerns, and follow the dictates of their hearts.