Dannielle D. Student Success Story

Dannielle and her daughterAppreciation from Dannielle: “I stopped going to school due to monetary constraints at the age of twenty-one, and any thought of accomplishing more than that for myself was non-existent. It is the continued support and kindness from you and others like you that allowed me to return to college after a fourteen-year hiatus, and I have worked hard to achieve and maintain my 3.5+ GPA.

The gratitude I feel is overwhelming. Support from The Foundation helps me more than just financially, it inspires me to not give up. I can’t thank you enough. Because of this support and belief in me, I know I must keep going despite challenging times.

I will continue to work hard to the best of my ability, and when I am finished, I hope that I am a Registered Nurse, making a positive difference in others’ lives and making a better life for my family.” ~ Dannielle

Dannielle and her family