Study Abroad trip to Eastern Europe -- INFORMATION SESSION

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The May 2023 Business and Culture Eastern Europe program will include visits to Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; and Prague, Czech Republic, with a possible extension to Berlin, Germany. The target dates for the trip are May 16 to 27, 2023.

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"While traveling, students will learn about the three jewels of Eastern Europe -- Budapest, Krakow and Prague -- stand beneath fortified castles, visit the World Heritage Site of Auschwitz, and be immersed in Eastern European culture and business environments," said Professor of Business and Economics Wendy Wysocki, who coordinates Global Studies at MCCC. "This program will be a rewarding and enlightening learning experience to enrich participant’s personal growth and enhance professional opportunities."

MCCC students, alumni and community members who participate in a study abroad program must apply and enroll in at least one of the courses offered in the program. The course may be taken for credit or non-credit.
