October 2022
Upcoming Events
MCCC Welcomes New Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Jimmy LeDuc has joined MCCC as Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at Monroe County Community College. LeDuc comes to MCCC from Saint Paul College in Minnesota where he worked as a professor of theatre and community-based learning coordinator. He was also active at St. Paul in assessment, curriculum review, accreditation and faculty professional development. LeDuc holds an master of fine arts in drama from the University of Oklahoma and a doctoral degree in education from Minnesota State University, Mankato.
The Humanities/Social Sciences Division at MCCC offers humanities courses in art, English composition, literature, drama, music, various foreign languages and speech, and social sciences courses in anthropology, history, political science and sociology. The division is also responsible for the college's art collection, Criminal Justice programs, College/Community Symphony Band and Agora Chorale, Fine Arts program, Images literary and art magazine, pre-education programs, Agora student newspaper, and Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program.
Join an MCCC Club or Organization!

At MCCC, we encourage students to get involved in clubs and organizations that interests them. Participation can help you hone your communication skills, foster creative thinking and teach you how to work effectively with other people. Joining student clubs and organizations can give students the opportunity to meet a diverse population of people that allow you to expand your thinking and interests. Here are a few clubs students can join:
- Agora Student newspaper: The Agora is primarily an online publication. The publication is produced by MCCC students enrolled in the journalism classes under the guidance of a faculty adviser and student editors. Often the recipient of state awards, the Agora reports on school events and other issues of interest to the college community. Students interested in getting involved with the Agora should contact Matthew Bird-Meyer at (734) 384-4288.
- Ballroom Dancing: The purpose of the Ballroom Dance Club is to form a social dance club with a fun and inviting atmosphere where students of any ability and age can confidently learn and practice a variety of ballroom steps and styles that promote physical fitness, musicality, cultural awareness, manners and proper etiquette. Please contact Kellie Lajiness at klajiness@monroeccc.edu for more information.
- Criminal Justice Club: The Criminal Justice Club promotes criminal justice and assists club members in career growth and job searches. Members participate in activities that promote justice and increase awareness and knowledge. Please contact Daniel Wood danielwood@monroeccc.edu for more information.
View all MCCC clubs and organizations
Major Spotlight: Criminal Justice
This month’s spotlighted major is Criminal Justice. The following CJ programs are offered:
- An associate of applied science program in Criminal Justice that prepares students for employment in CJ positions requiring a bachelor of science degree, including but not limited to criminal justice, social work and pre-law, by setting a foundation for transfer with both General Education and criminal justice courses. This degree can be completed in an online format.
- An associate of applied science program in Corrections that prepares students for employment in different areas of corrections, including jails and prisons as well as parole and probation. This degree can be completed in an online format. The corrections certificate program concentrates upon basic core courses with a focus on corrections in either the jail or prison setting
- A certificate program in Corrections that allows students who may not want to complete a full degree to take courses in preparation for a career field and then later apply them to a degree.
- An associate of applied science program in Law Enforcement that prepares students for employment in law enforcement positions that require an associate degree and Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) certification (www.michigan.gov/mcoles) or transfer to baccalaureate programs in criminal justice or similar programs.
- A certificate program in Security that allows students to take courses in preparation for a career field who may not want the complete degree but can later apply them to the degree. The security certificate program concentrates upon basic core courses with objectives, with a focus on private security.
For more information on any of these programs, contact Dan Wood, assistant professor of criminal justice, at danielwood@monroeccc.edu, or visit MCCC's programs of study in the college catalog.
Heck's Market Food Pantry is Open for Students
MCCC knows that 1/3 of students face very real food security issues; to help with this student need, MCCC offers food pantry called Heck’s Market.
It is located inside the Dining Hall in the Warrick Student Center. Students can be given access to the food pantry for free grocery items by stopping by The Foundation at MCCC Office (S-154) during regular business hours or schedule a time by emailing: foodpantry@monroeccc.edu.
Heck's Market currently has perishable items that need to be distributed ASAP (milk, grapefruit juice, cheese and yogurt).
If enough students regularly use the pantry we will be able to stock more fresh foods and perishable items.
Shop at the Campus Store
Located in the Warrick Student Center, the Campus Store has a large selection of supplies such as pens, folders, notebooks, and bookbags available to fulfill student needs. It also continues to offer exclusive MCCC Husky Spirit Wear.
Also available in the Campus Store is the use of eCampus Online Bookstore kiosks and staff to assist students with any questions about textbooks, ordering and more.
There are select items from the Campus Store inventory available online.
Play Auditions: Clue Onstage
All are welcome to audition for MCCC's student production of Clue On Stage. No experience or monologue preparation is required. The production is also in need of backstage workers; no experience is necessary as training will be provided.
Auditions are November 8 & 9, 7-10 p.m. in the Holladay Theater (lower level of Campbell Academic Center).
Full rehearsals begin January 10 (Tuesday/Thursday evenings, 7-10 p.m.)
Production dates are April 21-23, 2023.
For more info, contact Angie Lai, adjunct instructor, at alai@monroeccc.edu.