August 2023
Upcoming Events
MCCC has a number of events coming up; check them all out at the link below. Some exciting student-focused events early in the semester for Welcome Week include Pups and Popsicles on Sept. 11, Kojo's (the President's) Cookout on Sept. 12, Popcorn and Painting on Sept. 13 and Ice Cream with Instructors on Sept. 14. Be sure to check those out.
Welcome Back!
A Message from Dr. Scott Behrens, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success
Welcome to a new academic year at Monroe County Community College! We are here to enrich and transform lives and ensure student success.
MCCC continues to improve with our latest efforts focused on your success. Simply put, we succeed when you succeed. This year, we begin the year with a host of new positions. If you are new to the college, you have probably interacted with one of our new educational advocates. Educational advocates are professionals dedicated to particular fields of study who serve as first points of human contact with the college. This summer, they worked with incoming students to help them navigate the enrollment process, conducted New Student Orientation sessions and helped students register for their first semester of classes. The college also created a new position -- assistant director of multicultural and community engagement. The person in this position works with our student clubs and interacts with our community to ensure that all students have a proactive and friendly point of contact with MCCC.
Behind the scenes, the college has invested in personnel and technology to improve how we use data to inform what we do, including two full-time coordinators in our Student Success Center. Within the SSC, MCCC has also increased staffing support in Disabilities Services, Mental Health Services and the Testing Center. We are ready to help ensure your success. If you need any help at any time, don’t wait -- ask.
I hope you enjoy this newsletter; we will be sending this to you once a month to keep you updated on all kinds of "happenings" at MCCC.
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive and together we will be successful.
Welcome to a new and exciting semester at MCCC!
Guiding You on the First Day of Classes
On the first day of classes Wednesday, August 23, our campus employees will be available throughout campus to help students find their way around. Just look for people with the “Ask Me” buttons!
Staring at noon, President Dr. Kojo Quartey will grill hot dogs for as long as they last, and there will be a cornhole contest on the mall in the middle of campus. Come join the fun as we kick off a great 2023-2024 academic year.

Tips for Success at MCCC
To ensure success at Monroe County Community College, there are several things you should do:
- Check your schedule to ensure that it works for you and that you have the classes you need. If you’re only taking a few classes, you may want to consider adding a class if possible. At the start of each semester, you can add a class or make changes to your schedule up until a class has met for the second time.
- Set up your academic plan. Every student should have an academic plan that details which classes they will take each semester. There are two major sources to use when planning your schedule: A) Go to to identify your intended program of study; B) Then sign into MyWebPal and click on “Student Planning."
- Under “Student Planning” select “My Progress.”
- Review outstanding degree/program requirements.
- Click on the course you want to take to fulfill the outstanding requirement.
- Click “Add Course to Plan,” and select the term you would like to take the course.
- Select “Back to My Progress” (upper left of page).
- Continue planning outstanding requirements
(Note, once in MyWebPal, you can also review any financial aid awards and if any paperwork is still outstanding in order to process an award; from the home screen in MyWebPal, simply click on "Financial Aid.")
- If you have any questions, sign up for one of our Student Planning Seminars on August 29 and 30 to help you with this process.
- Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor. If you are a new student, you will be assigned an academic advisor by the end of the first month of classes. Having a plan (See step two above!) will help you to have a productive session with your advisor.
- Make at least one appointment for tutoring in the Student Success Center. Good students do not wait until they are in trouble. They plan success proactively.
- Plan to attend a meeting for a student organization of interest to you.
Lucero Joins MCCC in Student and Community Engagement Role
Nancy Lucero, MCCC's new assistant director of multicultural and community engagement, attended MCCC as a first-generation and undocumented student and then went on to the University of Michigan where she earned bachelor's degree in ethnic studies and a master’s degree in social work.
Lucero has worked for a number of years to increase resources for underserved and underrepresented populations via her roles in non-profit and educational settings. This passion led her to co-create a local non-profit, Monroe Puente, that uniquely serves the Latino/Hispanic community, and she continues to serve as a board member there. Her commitment to community and working with diverse populations led her to embark on a new journey to create a sense of belonging and a culture of success for all students at MCCC.
The No. 1 predictor of success in college is campus engagement, and one of Lucero's roles is to connect students at MCCC to those opportunities. Contact her today at to get involved.
College life is a transformative journey that offers students a chance to expand horizons, develop lifelong skills and prepare for the workforce. College can be an overwhelming experience, especially for incoming freshmen or first-generation college students. Building connection with others through clubs and student organizations can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Friendships formed within these groups often lead to lasting relationships that extend beyond the college years.
MCCC offers a range of opportunities to join student clubs and organizations based on interests. From Art Club to faith-based communities to program-focused clubs, such as the Student Nursing Association and Criminal Justice Club, there is something for everyone. Go to to learn more about the clubs and organizations at MCCC.
Check out MCCC's TV Show
Monroe County Community College has a half-hour, monthly television show called “Education Matters,” that runs on Monroe Public Access Cable Television and is available on MCCC’s You Tube Channel. You can also see past episodes on MCCC's website.
“Education Matters,” is hosted by MCCC President Dr. Kojo A. Quartey. The show highlights a wide variety of topics, such as learning opportunities available at MCCC and national and local issues in education that affect the community.
It runs multiple times each week on MPACT, which can be viewed on Channels 21 and 916 on Comcast and Channel 197 on Charter Cable. It is also available on Buckeye Broadband.
Free Tutoring Available
MCCC offers free tutoring and academic skills help for all students in the new Student Success Center located in Founders Hall. Tutoring services are available Monday through Thursday. One-on-one and group tutoring is available in-person and on-line via Zoom. All are welcome and encourage to take advantage of our services. Visit the Student Success Center website to schedule your first appointment today.
The Tutoring Center is hiring for Fall 2023.
Working as a student tutor is a great on-campus job that allows you to keep up on your academics, help other students and add to your resume. If you are interested in working as a student tutor for fall 2023, please contact Amanda Althouse, coordinator of student success, at or via phone at 734.384.4184.
Mental Health Services
MCCC offers mental health services on campus in partnership with Monroe Community Mental Health Authority. The services include:
Mental health screening:
- Referrals
- Crisis prevention and intervention
- Advocacy
Linking and coordinating to the following resources:
- Counseling / Therapy
- Health services
- Financial Assistance
- Housing
- Social Services
- Other services and natural supports
Amber Kreichbaum is the coordinator of the services for MCMHA on MCCC's campus. Her goal is to remove the stigma attached to the word mental illness and encourage students to feel comfortable seeking treatment. Her office is in Founders Hall and can be reached via email at or by calling 734.457.6014. She looks forward to working with anyone in need and wants all students to know that her door is always open.
Disability Services
Students with disabilities may be eligible for classroom and test accommodations to provide access to all college facilities and programs. Accommodations are intended to “level the playing field” as much as possible, so the student with a disability has an equal opportunity to succeed. Access is provided while maintaining high academic standards.
Disability Services coordinators are available to assist students with disabilities in all aspects of their educational planning. Students can meet with a disability services coordinator in the Student Success Center to request accommodations, plan their schedule, obtain career and transfer information and receive collaborative services with outside agencies.
Tomek Joins MCCC as Dean of Humanities/Social Sciences
Beverly Tomek has joined MCCC as dean of humanities/social sciences. Tomek comes to the college from Texas, where she was the associate provost for curriculum and student success at a branch campus of the University of Houston.
She first visited Michigan two years ago, when she brought her daughter, Jane, to Interlochen Center for the Arts for her senior year of high school. She fell in love with the beautiful trees and nice cool temperatures. (To a Texan, even 90 degrees is cool in the summer!) When she saw that MCCC was looking for a dean she applied right away. She got here in July and began exploring the area, finding new trees to admire every day. In addition to Jane, she has another daughter, Renee, who came with her to Michigan and shares her love of nature; a son, Andy, who is completing a history degree in Texas, and a husband, Bobby. She also has two dogs, two cats and a parakeet.
Tomek’s academic field is history, and she writes about civil rights movements in the United States. She enjoys working with students and would be thrilled to work with anyone who is interested in doing some hands-on historical research. As the dean, Tomek makes sure things are running smoothly in her division, which provides students with a critical understanding of political, cultural and societal knowledge via transfer and general education courses, as well as houses programs of study in criminal justice and the fine arts. If you are interested in participating in drama or music, the literary magazine or the student newspaper, please reach out to her!
Withdrawal Procedure
If you feel you need to drop a class once it has begun, do not just stop going to class.
You can drop a class via MyWebPal until Tuesday August 29. Beginning Wednesday August 30, you must officially withdraw by filling out an Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form available online or in the Registrar’s Office. In addition to the form, you must provide proof that you communicated with your instructor prior to withdrawing (instructor’s signature on the form or via email). By officially withdrawing from a class, you will receive a ‘W’ grade, which does not affect your GPA. If you are receiving any type of financial aid, please check with the Financial Aid Office before making the withdrawal official. Failure to drop or withdraw from a course you do not wish to complete has both educational and financial consequences. Further information can be found at